Saturday, December 08, 2007

Guides have been added!

Hey everyone! Hope you had a good turkey day :) You should be seeing a new link in the top menu here saying instead of Myspace Help. The new Guide pages has all kinds of tutorials for websites, coding, and images along with Recipes, Entertainment Reviews, Home Remedies, Jokes, and codes / tips for games so be sure to go check it out! Thanks to all the members that helped get some content in there until its release today! You guys and gals rock! Theres also been a lot of other changes for the members on the site, including a new private message system and bulletins for all our buddies, along with a couple other little things here and there. Well, Happy Black Friday!

Blogged with Flock

Friday, April 28, 2006

wordpress 2.0.2

I just tried installing the newest version of wordpress 2.0.2 onto my site - and for some reason its not letting me get to the dashboard.. kinda pisses me off but what can I do? I tried asking for help within the support forum, but no luck there. I may end up getting a new blogging portal for the site but I dont know. I may try to eventually write up my own so I wont have to deal with that junk.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


pretty cool wingsing w/e it is editor, but in my opion, they get annoying. I would rather just use the defualt text box then this, but that may just be me.

I'm just testing out this site to see how it looks and how it interacts with everything mainly.